Friday, July 26, 2013

Gaming at Comic-Con... Oh, is that Billy Mitchell!

There were sights to be seen at Comic-Con, such sight, but none like the haunting image of Billy Mitchell of King of Kong fame in person at the Break Bar/arcade where you could challenge him at Pac-Man. He was the devil incarnate, fear came off of him and I could only capture this picture of him out of being afraid of being eaten whole. He was but one sight of gaming to look at at the King of all Cons.

The Behemoth booth has plenty of con special items and playable demos of their current games, but nothing new to show

Castle Crashers Arcade Edition
Nintendo was showing of Pikmin 3 on the exhibit hall floor with an ice photo op section. There's a whole Nintendo Gamin Lounge I'll get to in a future post.

Plants Vs Zombies Booth

 Xbox  One Booth, they had their own Gaming Lounge too.
 Capcom Booth
 Phoenix Wright is back and had his own podium and courtroom area.

 The brought the DuckTales Money Bin from IAM8BIT to the show floor, I heard people enjoyed it while on the the trolley.