Friday, June 28, 2013

Anime Bowling Night No Time To Spare

I have a book on bowling puns, so don't think I won't have more fun headlines on the progress of Anime Bowling Night. Check out the new flyer, you should see these around Little Tokyo real soon and on Sunset and Melrose. I'm your friendly neighborhood editor Jonathan and I have more info on Anime Bowling night below.

July 4th
5-8pm at XLanes
3rd Floor Little Tokyo Galleria
333 S. Alameda St., #300 Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel: 213.229.8910

So here's what we've worked out with XLanes and prize sponsors.

 -Anime music and videos will be in featured Anime Bowling Night lanes.

 -A backdrop for cosplay fans to have their pictures taken will be open to save memories of the night.


Those coming in cosplay will get one free bowling game. Those showing a 2013 AX badge will get a free shoe rental. One deal per customer, one free game or free shoe rental not both.


Contests for Best Cosplay Outfit
Best Power Up -I'll break it down later, but can you guess?
Highest Score- Bowling

Prize Sponsors
NIS America
Section 23 Films
B Art Jet

I'll be putting up what you can win soon

Multiple raffles for XLanes Gift Certificates

Over 100 arcade units

I'll have a much more detailed plan in the next few  days, but the event already sounds so magnificent! So powered up. Who can't way to battle it out in costumes while bowling! I can't wait to see it!