Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What the Hell? IDW + Cartoon Network

Uhhh, deep breath. In another bizarre scenario that only media giants could create, Cartoon Network will release comics through IDW publishing. Now why this is stupid is that Cartoon Network is a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Warner Bros owns DC Comics. DC Comics should be releasing CN titles through it's own kids label, but it's run so poorly it apparently can't. The other glaring fact is both Adventure Time comics and the upcoming Regular Show comics are being released through a third company, Boom! Studios.

Cartoon Network should be releasing comics based on its shows through it's own mega media corporation. Dark Horse is concerned that Star Wars titles will be falling to Marvel at some time after the big buy from Disney, but nothings really moved in that news.

Cartoon Network ignoring the success of Adventure Time comics through Boom! is just strange. It could be that the creators retain rights and get to choose or some other factor, but why they wouldn't work with a company that already proved itself with the Adventure Time label is odd.

One of the comments over this news at CA make a great point though

Well I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure it's because if DC published it, they would have to pay for everything, such as writers, artists and printing. By selling licenses to other comic companies they get paid royalties while IDW and BOOM! Studios handle all the comic making duties"

That's does make a lot of sense, but it still makes you wonder on why Boom isn't just being used. To me it also speaks volumes on how fed up Cartoon Network was with DC.