Friday, February 8, 2013

Sony No Love For LA Feb 20 Will Enjoy Our Oscars Without You

The big Sony event which flat out seems to be the PS4 is having a big party in New York Feb 20th, but sadly the West Coast isn't on Sony's mind these days. Sony did forget to pick up the award for Best Animated Video Game at the Annie's last weekend for Journey. Journey also just won Game of the Year from DICE over in Vegas and I know someone was there from thatgamecompany to pick it up.

Sony's going to have to pick itself up this year with a 3rd quarter net loss of $115 million and shares recently going down ten percent. Sony also just sold off it's NY Headquaerters for 1.1 billion, which isn't the best sign in the world. It also makes you ponder if that could have helped with the event managment they'll have to do for their Feb 20th PS4 launch. They cut ties with Superbot who made thier All Star game and got rid of the prior marketing firm who made the Kevin Butler ads and the famous "Micheal" ads for a new NY based firm, which once again might have been easier to meet with if they held onto their corporate offices in NY.