Tuesday, November 13, 2012

PMX 2012 Artist Alley, Exhibitor Hall and More

 PMX had much merch and astounding art to get your hand on in the Exhibitor Hall and Artist Alley. Pika ★ Chi Double and PaperHootch were some of the highlights in artist alley. PaperHootch had great posters of Doctor Who, Legend of Zelda and Pokemon. Pokemon was all over Pika ★ Chi Double's booth. Booth owner Chingyi had a wide variety of Pokemon art including a Christmas postcard I'll be featuring in another post. If you were a fan of a pop culture show they had it PMX's Artist Alley. I saw a lot of great artist and I hope it continues to grow.

Exhibitor booths had all the anime con main stays: plushes, hard to find art books and DVD's. A wide assortment of Hello Kitty products that shouldn't exist. I enjoyed the booth selling metal tankards it's good to see some strange merch you usually wouldn't. Local store Anime Junle was in attendance, having to retell many purcahsers they hadn't moved, but just close the street store and are in a expanded store. There were a few sales and some cute maids from Sacanime Con telling others about it.

The opening ceremony was just a bit awkward
for my taste. Special guests like Masumi Kanoh were almost silent and there was a memorial video for an artist. It sort of started the event on a depressing note. I'd really like if the opening ceremony was a bit more friendly maybe have a gust host speak at event. One of the people who brought the event together was basically reading of a piece of paper the whole time and it just seemed so unnatural. There were so many people who have a goo stage presence who should be in the room and leading the ceremony. I would have liked to see the fun I saw at other panel and events in the Opening Ceremony.

 PMX has been around for a while now so it seems like they should have a lot more together. The few problems I had including the parking, which was full underneath the hotel and expensive in the surrounding area, didn't stack up that bad. A 10% tax is hidden on all the signs telling the price which is just bad business practice. It was also dumb of of the Hilton not to put up a lot full sign, I saw many cars circling underneath in that confining parking lot. Room spacing like how far the gaming room was odd. It was far off into the corner of a basement even though there were many rooms it could have fit in closer to other events. There were no board games or card games to play with even though the sign leading to the room had board games written on it. There were a wide selection of video games to play, but sometime it's nice to just play cards.

I found a lack of anime to watch the first day. There was almost nothing to see, but live action in the video rooms. The schedule further down the road seemed more promising, but I only caught the end of a One Piece movie the whole day.
-There was only one food truck that came, The White Rabbit, which I don't recommend.
-Ani.me photo booth and a food contest were cancelled with no reason given. The eating contest being cancelled was very late in the day. I had asked about it maybe an hour or two before it was suppose to start and the info desk and there were no indications of it being cancelled.

I had a much better time connecting with the people in the panels then anything else in the event.

 more photos