Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Geoff Boucher Heads To Entertainment Weekly, Hero Complex Goes To Gina McIntyre

Hero Complex, considered by some one of the best fan sites for LA has forever changed. Geoff Boucher is now a Senior Writer for Entertainment Weekly, his baby Hero Complex is now in the hands of Gina McIntyre.

I'm sorry to see Geoff go, I've attended a few Hero Complex Film Festivals (don't know their future) and seeing him chat with directors and actors from hero, sci-fi and horror films was a pleasure. He always seemed to take his guest off edge and just ask them questions everyone wanted to know. I can only congratulate him into his new office and hope to see how he helps make Entertainment Weekly more fun to read.

Taking his place managing Hero Complex is Gina McIntyre, who wrote a post about the future about the site and what she brings to the table. It'll be interesting to see how her style differs from Geoff's and what the future holds for LA Times' pop culture fan site.