Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hero Complex RoboCop Peter Weller

Where's my popcorn? There wasn't a long line so what's taken so long?

 These and other sayings filled RoboCop with rage, RoboCop also goes by the name Peter Weller and his rants, raves, and quick study on art history at Hero Complex were almost as entertaining as the film shown before he arrived. From Weller's early work fighting giant rats to his directorial duties on House and Sons of Anarchy he owned the crowd like the insane Professor you always wanted at college. He also wore worst jacket ever.

It was one of the best Q and A's ever seen by man. Here's some clips.

After munching on some popcorn, Peter went fully ablaze blasting away the audience with his words instead of RoboCop's gun. Peter could not sit down during his dialogue with Hero Complex's Geoff Boucher, he'd get up into these long rants about art history or his views on how films should be made.

When told of a new RoboCop being made he said, "Fuck it". He wishes who makes it luck, but he said it will never be as in depth or good as the original and they can throw as much CGI in as they want.

When not going over the inner meanings of RoboCop he asked the audience what they had seen in cinema, he pointed people out and made them talk. He made me want him to be a history Professor, the man has a lot of passion for someone who just came in from LAX 45 minutes prior to the event.

His stance on cinema delved into if the audience new it's sources such as Blade Runner being based on Phillip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep. He asked did anyone get the point that it wasn't about robots or Harrison Ford, but that it was about slavery? He brought up how at the start of RoboCop Africa's apartheid is discussed. He wondered if people got the deeper meaning of plots from these films.

The anger in him. He hates process trailers with a vengeance. He needs to do a Ted Talk about them not being used anymore. Process trailers are trailers that give the perspective a car is being driven for TV and film. The car is actually being driven by another vehicle in front or back of it. Peter Weller outright hates them.

 Peter is both a film maker and historian. He went over his faults as a director and said he never directed any movie that great and can't do any fluff/nice films. You really had to be there to experience him, he held such a high conviction of what people don't see today or study about film. It just pisses him off that people don't see classics.

Peter spilled the beans about Rick Baker, professional special effects master being a surprise guest, because no one told him.

When he wasn't ranting about how were spoon fed dribble on television, where scenes are static and no one moves or does anything in motion, he talked about his new son. He delved into how funny it is hearing himself going "Look at your cute footsies", at age 60.
Q and A led to being asked about why he chose one of his first roles about being someone trying to hunt a giant rat. It turned out that how he knew the film the rat was never shown, but since then it was updated and a rat is shown in the film. Peter explained it was suppose to be about him being crazy and that the film was based off the same story that gave us the film Alien.

In the end it didn't seem like Peter was going to leave, he had plenty more to say, but it seems he didn't want to take away time from Rick Baker who he had accidentally announced earlier.