Monday, April 9, 2012

Dumm Comics the Royalty of Idiotic Interview Podcast

I had the distinction, no the honor, no the ability to use Google maps to meet the purveyors of Harlequin. The writers, the artists, the makers of Dumm Comics. I've been pleasuring my eyes, soul and my ability to laugh with their potty  humor since they started their site of weekly comics all while being cartoonist working in Burbank.

Luke and Jack

Dumm Comics Interview 1 by

In this eyeless podcast you'll get to know:

 Life in the Analog Age by Gabe Swarr
Rad Raz by Jack Cusumano
Frog Raccoon Strawberry by Kyle A Carrozza and John Berry(in another state)
Skadi by Katie Rice and Luke Cormican
Wicked Wickle by Luke Cormican with words by Tegu Kaitenn(wasn't there) 
SorryGuyz by David Gemmill(let's say diarrhea stopped him?)
 Zoo Laffs by Chris Garrison (another state again)

and what they've been doing over at Dumm. What you'll be hearing it their true emotions their hopes and dreams, what it means to be human and isn't that what it's all about you alien overlords... sorry re-enacting Shatner there. Kaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnn!!!!!!!

Okay, enough of that, but I have to say it was a delight meeting them and I hope they continue making their comics they way they want.

Part 2 is my favorite as thrones of men being pooped and electrocuted are discussed.

Dumm Comics Interview 2 by

 Kyle, Gabe and Katie