Friday, January 13, 2012

Game Hype: Touch My Katamari, Ye Olde Mario World, Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2

Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 is up for pre-order. The game that makes fun of the consoles by making them into goddesses is back.

Glen Brogan has proven himself to be my favorite video game artist with his "Ye Olde Mario World" which accurately captures the over world map from Super Mario World. I really should have devoted this whole Game Hype to him, but I've already showcased two other pieces of his work for the Adult Swim Show. He simply wants this as a shirt, I want this as a giant poster. I've shown it friends who instantly wanted it as their backgrounds as is currently mine. Time and thought was definitely put into this grand map for accurate it is. He even captured Star Road and as a friend pointed out how the pipes work. Glen, please try and make this into a poster through fangamer or some other group, it's to majestic to just don a t-shirt. It needs to be revered as a print or a poster.