Thursday, December 1, 2011

Some Upcoming Events: Mindshare and Pinching Penny Premiere

Pinching Penny  Los Angeles Premiere

WHAT:          PINCHING PENNY - highly acclaimed, independent crime thriller about a British hypochondriac who becomes addicted to consumerism and turns to a life of crime, exclusively premieres in Los Angeles for one night.

WHO:          Unforgettable characters and nefarious situations make Pinching Penny a pop-culture classic, soon to be celebrated in the annals of cult crime thrillers. Meet & greet with director Dan Glaser and lead cast members, Steven Molony (Indie Fest Merit Winner) Timothy J. Meyer, Ginny Glaser and Lauren J. Wertz after screening.

WHERE:         Downtown Independent Theater
251 S. Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

WHEN:         Tuesday, December 13, 2011
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Doors open at 6:30 PM)
After-party (TBD)
          Entry is free with RSVP - [email protected]

Mindshare LA: "Secrets & Lies

"On December 15, 2011 a gathering of LA’s brightest and most curious will meet at Mindshare LA to embark on a quest for the truth. A distinguished short-form speaker line-up explores the notions of secrecy and lies in science while teaching attendees how to detect insincere actions and words. Doors at the historic Downtown LA Alexandria Hotel’s Mezz Bar open at 7pm; program starts at 8:30 followed by an after-party featuring music and interactive art.
Speaker Headliners
 Tristan Ursell, Biophysicist, Stanford University and Editor, Stanford Journal of Law talks about the truth of science and The Largest Scientific Instrument Ever Built
Vanessa van Petten, Curator and Speaker, instructs on How to Become a Human Lie Detector from facial expressions, body language and voice tone
Hosted by Douglas Campbell, Co-Founder & Curator, Mindshare LA"

What: Mindshare LA,
When: Dec 15, doors open at 7:00pm, program starts at 8:30pm
Where: Alexandria Hotel Mezz Bar, 501 S. Spring Street  Los Angeles, CA 90013