Saturday, October 29, 2011

Why Not Just Get Foogos Instead 8-Bit

I'm a huge fan of IAM8BIT, but I'm having trouble understanding why there doing art shows in LA that aren't about video games. The next one due this November 4th is Licorice Flicks: Edible Movie Mosaics. But, they aren't really edible and the pieces will not be eaten. I didn't know if it was going to happen, because the artist was asking for cash on Kickstarter, but he got it.

I suggest getting Foogos instead for the event. Rampage Reality mentioned him and he has consumable work. He's stuff looks tastier, too.

Please, don't tell me the guy who does art based on Star Wars Action Figures is the show after Licorice Flicks. His work was terrible at Designercon and it remains terrible.