Thursday, September 29, 2011

Halloween 2011: Old Haunts, New Haunts and Art Shows

Old Town Haunt

Starts this weekend

Starts September 30, October 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 20-23, 26-31
Tickets : $15 goes up closer to Halloween

Your in a basement of a 107-year old building, thing might weird. Oh yeah, somethings after you as well. The oldest Halloween attraction in Pasadena is coming to get you.

Old Town Haunt
20 N. Raymond, Pasadena

Haunted Play: Delusion
Starts Oct 19-23 then pick up again on the 26- Nov 1st

Tickets: $40.00 +convenience fee of $3.19 online

A play designed by Hollywood stuntman with Hollywood stuntman designed to creep you out in a 106-year old mansion. It's a mix of a play and a hunted house, so your in for something new, like a hybrid were-wolf vampire that has more power to haunt your nightmares.

Haunted Play Venue - 2218 S. Harvard Blvd. - Los Angeles, CA 90018

THIS FRIDAY (September 30th) 6-10PM at Paradigm Gallery (2020 South Street) is the opening of
Dead and Dreaming. This is one you don't want to miss folks! 20+ artists illustrating the work of H.P.Lovecraft

The people of Philadelphia get a art show based of the creepy works of H.P. Lovecraft. Oh, Cthulhu, you so dreamy.

Here's some pieces that grabbed me.

Another show not happening in LA, but close to the Halloween theme is

The Iconolcastic Dead also happening this weekend, but in Mexico. More fitting the Mexican Day of the Dead, famous icons are immortalized in the muertos style.

One of my favorites has to be this Luis Buñuel piece by

Chogrin of course chose Guillermo Del Toro

Nikola Tesla and Carl Saga, nerd out time.