Monday, June 27, 2011

“Nick Jr. has never said poo on air"

“Nick Jr. has never said poo on air,” he explains. “It was a four-month discussion back and forth and finally we were allowed to do it.

The Star has a nice article on the out of nowhere show "Sidekick" about kids who are training to be sidekicks now on Cartoon Network. New episodes are daily. The article goes over the use of cheap animation and making the show less edgy to be more compatible for worldwide acceptance. It still has fun elements to make it enjoyable.

The article also explains and softens up how mediocre and bland Cookie Jar Entertainment is, one of the worst animation companies ever in my opinion. Cheap, boring and bland should be their motto.


When I first saw Sidekick I thought people from the Random Cartoon short "Super John Doe Junior" were involved, there are some distinct similarities. It seems like the series is a later version of it. The short and the Slime Spree / The Short List episode have a lot of comparisons.