5552 E. La Palma Ave.
Anaheim Hills, CA 92807
has some very super shows.
The Superheroine Monologues

May 17 & 18 at 8pm
Yes, the Vagina Monologues from the perspectives of Super girls.
What are they going to talk about? How most are just femal copies of there male counterparts. Which superhero is good in bed? When is there costume , too sexy. Who knows, but it sounds like fun action packed fight of words.
Brought over from Boston, this show sounds like a hit to any comic book fan. The shows suppose to be written well
Probably, better than the Wonder Woman show that just had to be rewritten.
Then there's musical
The Boy in the Bathroom
April 23 - May 22, 2011
Thu 8pm; Fri 8pm, Sat 3pm & 8pm, Sun 2pm & 7pm
I think the short synopsis speaks for itself "Boy locks himself in bathroom. Boy won't leave.
Then... boy meets girl."
I wonder what songs can come from such a show. Seems like some fun set design.