Monday, April 4, 2011

Almost+===Art Time===>

Check out today's episode "Belly Of The Beast". Why they chose Andy Samberg I don't know. I guess if your on SNL no matter how bad you are it counts. Go make another bad movie, get out of my Adventure Time.

another reminder of the Adventure Time Exhibit which doesn't seem to have come up with a clever name, I'll have more info on next week, what really cool is being able to meet the entire crew.

also there's to be a raffle and if your clother are inspired by adventure time (like cosplay) you"ll get five more raffle tickets

 from the adventure time tumbler

Adventure Time’s First Gallery Event
If you’re not like me, you probably won’t be doing your taxes on Saturday, April 16. That means you can hoof it out to Alhambra, CA, for the opening reception of Gallery Nucleus’s Adventure Time exhibit. It’s an all-ages event featuring not only production work from the series but also personal art by the show’s stellar crew, folks including Pen Ward, Ako Castuero, Tom Herpich, Jesse Moynihan, Kent Osborne, Andy Ristaino, Phil Rynda, Rebecca Sugar, and Bert Youn. Oh, and of course you can meet the artists in person. Hopefully I’ll be boring the stuff out of you over the next two weeks leading up to the night as I get some teaser art. In any case, make sure you put it on your calendar now. They’ll have refreshments, too! (Quick, someone make up a some kind of fancy Adventure Time drink). The exhibit will be open till May 6, but the big opening reception is on 4/16.

Exclusive Adventure Time Wondercon T-shirt

Talking about shirts, check out all of the Adventure Time ones at Mighty Fine

Whati f Adventure Time was done by Takashi Murakami?
My God, it's hideous, awesome!

Here's some Marceline art I found floating around on line. Below some cute Princess Bubblegum cosplay with a excellent Peppermint Butler doll. He'll take your skin when you sleep