Above you see Kevin Dart's sexy new piece for the Q Pop Shop Grand Opening, the talented artist is one of many who will have art at the event ,thanks to the owners many friends in the animation industry. The store begs the questions why doesn't Giant Robot just open it's doors nearby? Above and below, your seeing stills from a epic short film based on Axe Cop, premiering Thursday with the creators. If you didn't know the stories are written by a six year old and drawn by his 30 year old brother.
Just check the right of the site for more info on these two events.
Meet the Creators of Axe Cop
Thursday, January 27th, 7pm
Meltdown Comics
7522 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90046323-851-7223
7522 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90046323-851-7223