Friday, October 8, 2010

Obligatory Zombie Post 3: Zombie Ninjas and Unicorns vs Zombies

Death of the Dead or maybe a better title would be Zombie Ninjas.
I love this indie film I want to see it as soon as possible.  Premise wise you have a cute girl martial arts student and a old jerky master who must take down a bunch of ninjas who are also zombies. Did I mention you become a ninja if you also become a zombie?

I hope Magnet or IFC picks it up for release.

Next up we have

Zombies Vs Unicorn art by Josh Cochran

This is a piece by Josh Cochran, what I found strange about this piece is he didn't blog about it and I have his RSS feed. I've enjoyed Josh Cochran's work since I saw his excellent Trtions piece he did for the art book Beasts!.

What's also strange or slightly connected is how much Jordan Crane another artist shadows or stays in the same art circles as Cochran. Jordan also did a monster for Beasts!.

Recently Jordan did, btw forgot to mention I like his work too.  What was I ... oh yeah,  did the cover for the Halloween Newsletter for  the Cinefamily that I posted before.

What's funny is Josh did the Halloween/ October cover the year before. I messed up Jordan did both of these covers.  I wrote Josh Cochran made last years, but in fact Jordan did both. I shouldn't be finishing posts at 3 am. My apologies to Mr. Crane.

I just wonder. Will there be a Vampire Vs. Pirate piece in the near future from Jordan Crane?