Monday, October 4, 2010

Monster Making Contest

Yo, Joes!
 Who the Hell wants some Halloween Treats? Loyal Things To Do In LA reader do. 
So, I'm having a contest for 4 passes to Weekend of Horrors at the Marriott Burbank Airport Hotel, Oct 15-17. 
 You can thank Weekend of Horrors for sponsoring these passes btw, but what can you except at this three day event. How about the man, the legend, the b-horror star Bruce Campbell. Why don't we add the brothers from Boondock Saints Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus. Wait, shut up there's even more. Clive Barker and True Blood actors. Did you know True Blood is the gayest show ever? It's the gayest by per-capita of gay. No other show has had as many gay characters. Sorry, Family Matters.
Plus a bunch of actors you've seen in horror movies.  A Zombie Walk, X-Treme Fahsion Show, and what gets my blood gushing from my lifeless body if my head was recently hacked off the Grindhouse Film Festival Frightful Film Room. Nothing quite beats watching people get murdered, with other people and laughing.

So what do you need to do to win?! Kill your ... I  mean make a monster!

Make A Monster!contest

I don't want Dracula or Big Foot, but you can create Big Footed Dracula. Cyborg Clown Dinosaur sounds great. The Toast that wouldn't die, you've got my attention. Doesn't matter how you draw, could be Illustrator could be crayons. I want some new monsters to show on the site. E-mail your picture to [email protected]. Include your full name, address, phone number. Subject line put Monster Making Contest. Things To Do In LA staff will be judging the winner simply on if we like your monster.

The four winners get 1 pass each to Weekend Of Horrors.

Contest ends on the 12th. Winners announced on the 13th of October. Winner will be notified via e-mail and by the site.

The picture becomes propriety of the site and can be used forever more by the site.
What your winning by the book.GENERAL ADMISSION WEEKEND PACKAGES
This is an awesome way to attend all three daytimes: you'll see all the events and guest appearances in the theaters plus you will have access to the vendors rooms and signers areas. Your seat in the main theatre is non-reserved in the rear behind reserved seating patrons. When you talk about entertainment value for your bucks, this is an outrageous deal!