Thursday, October 7, 2010

Art Walk gone will be missed, uWink gone will not be missed

 So the LA Art Walk is gone ... for the moment. Their site said it's just gotten to big and out of control so now it's gonna become , " reborn as a quarterly, weekend, daytime, gallery-focused event which will appeal to both patrons of the arts as well as the general public." That ain't till January 2011.

I'm gonna miss it, but it might be for the best.

Supposedly some version of it exists today, but it's not considered official.

  It seems uWink the video game restaurant chain by Atari founder Nolan Bushnell is gone.  The web-site for uWink said it closed with a whimper on Sept 12 at it's only remaining location at Hollywood and Highland Center.Known for it's lousy service, bad food, and games that simply sucked it was only a matter of time for it to fall.

 I remember how a friend and I went to the first uWink and I posted at Gizmodo and he posted on Kotaku, those are my pictures, damn. I still hate him for that.

Looking through Yelp with 193 reviews and only two and half stars the business failing isn't due to the economy, just people getting wise to stupid gimmicks that don't work properly. Hell, the idea of the place as a video game lounge restaurant with interactive display menus sounds great, but the execution was awful. It never seemed to try and improve itself or have promotions with the huge game industry that has multiple offices around this town.