Monday, August 9, 2010

Why can't Taiko Drum Master Wii come to America?

        This is just a mock-up for Taiko Drum Master Wii . I'm a huge fan of the series Takio Drum Master. A game I own and played on my Playstation 2. A game I play whenever I head to Little Tokyo  in Japan Arcade.

          This series has always been fun, loud, and outdates Guitar Hero in music mayhem at home.. Nothing quite fits the sensation of beating down on a large taiko drum to the original Dragonball Z theme song or some Japanese techno pop I can't understand.  Unlocking new songs usingyour skills and the trippy only from Japan animations draw you in.

           It's a travesty the Wii incarnation of the series has never made it to America. Already two incarnations exist in Japan. It comes with connectible taiko drum controller you can hit with two sticks. It connect via the Wii-mote just like the classic controller.

This was early or unused design for how it was going to connect. You would put the Wii-mote in the taiko drum.

         The Japanese can play the new Dragonball Kai theme song. They can play the insane Lucky Star theme song while I can't. I don't know why Namco hasn't brought it over here. Seems like the perfect game for the Wii. With the Wii's and it's huge accessory library whats another piece, but more fun.. It's not a hard to play and anyone could just pick it up and start hammering out hits. It's a family game and a party game. You know you would want to beat friends at a song.I believe it's also two player. With DLC the game could always have replay ability.

Just for some trivia YMCK shows up in the second Wii game of the series. In the second Wii game you have to defeat robot bosses to progress.

I'd love to be behind that ad campaign if it came over here. Get some celebrities like Slash playing it or a silly Japanese commercial with stop-motion animals playing it.

I hope Namco of America considers it. Maybe I'll send them a letter or start a petition to get it back in the US.