Sunday, June 27, 2010

I so want the NOHO ROBO shirt


Super Punch posted this t-shirt design by Kevin Tong. I really want the shirt, but I'm not sure if North Hollywood High actually picked the design. I'm gonna try and get it. I'll post if about the process of getting one if I succed.

 I'm always driving arounf North Hollywood and this might be the only art I've liked from that "art district". I think Keving Tong should have done the NOHO sign, which is just a ugly eye sore. Who wouldn't want robots greeting you as you enter the area?

I also found this bit out it seems on graduation day this year North Hollywood High had a bomb scare. A shoe box with wires sticking out of it was found with pieces of paper around. The piecies of paper had, "Guess who?" , written on them. It was a fake. However they did send in a bomb squad robot to check it out. So if you think about it the NOHO ROBO shirt totally works. Just make the bomb squad robot the mascot or give it a honorary diploma. I know i'd like it if a robot graduated with me at high school.