Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Strange table tops I've encountered of late

The condom covered table was at the Super Happy Toyko Love Event that I posted about and attended at Royal/T

They people in charge were running late and know with the 405 being shut down at 10 every night I wasn't feeling to optimistic about the party. The door man seemed to have no idea what the event was for. He also appeared to be foreign and hilarious by being somewhat startled interacting with others.

Everything was a bit of a let down.

There was art, but not many pieces.

I actually bought this piece, it's hanging in my bathroom. I like the minimalist perspective of Crimson Viper. I think it would do better with even less detail. It's almost relaxing.

Yes, thats a giant robot foot. It's for a yet unbuilt chicken legged robot.

MechaPS was behind it. There trying to develop robot exoskeletons for real world use. It's hard to imagine they'll succeed without out getting real funding or having help from a large organization or college. However who doesn't find robot build cool. You can see them at Anime Expo this year in July. They're there every year.


the turtle race was also lackluster, the dance competition was something you could laugh at it and overall it was just nice to see cute girls in maid outfits and bunny ears serve tea.