Thursday, February 4, 2010


It seems you need a special ticket to enjoy Bioshock's secret event I reported happening this Saturday. Here's what some lucky loyal bioshock fans got in the mail.
If you live in San Francisco and didn't get a ticket don't fret. The last Splicers Unite events is happening
it be nice of it was in LA, SO MORE PEOPLE COULD ENJOY IT LIKE ME
from the Cult of Rapture site
Join us for the final Splicers Unite gathering on Monday, February 8th in San Francisco. Splicers will convene at the Sugar Cafe at 679 Sutter Street starting at 9 PM for a Rapturian cocktail party. At 11 PM, we will continue on to our final rendezvous outside GameStop in Union Square for BioShock 2's midnight opening.
The Splicers of 2K Marin will also be joining us - so dress your best and JOIN THE RAPTURE FAMILY!